Nekoda Witsken

Koda Witsken.jpegKoda studied art at Purdue and Duke Universities and then navigated a career in corporate sales in the travel industry at TripAdvisor and Travelzoo. Her love for travel and tourism will always remain, but she ultimately found her true calling in opening her own mural business, Hue Murals. Hue now completes mural and art installation projects nationally, with projects in Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, Texas, New York, California, and more. Her signature motto is “best energies and bright colors.”






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Art Piece

Location in Fieldhouse: Main Concourse

Hoosier Hysteria, 2022


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High school basketball in Indiana is just different. Koda Witsken’s mural conveys the excitement of Indiana’s game by referring to key aspects of its history and culture. It is no exaggeration to say that Indiana has a love affair with boys’ and girls’ high school basketball, and the childhoods of countless Hoosiers are spent reliving these special moments under the shadow of a basketball hoop. Bright colors and lines of energy course through the entire composition as Witsken tells the story of the game that means more in Indiana.